The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) is a cooperative organization of Christian denominations who follow the teaching of the Old and New Testament. The organization's purpose is to study, confer and work together for the accomplishment of the Church's earthly mission, while maintaining the individuality of its members ( Constitution Chap.1 Art.3 )

The CCK was established in 1989 after a devotional service and meeting of respected enior pastors and representatives from various Christian denominations. As of the 16th General Assembly held in 2005, the CCK has accepted 61 denominations and 20 Christian organizations as members. The CCK is the representative council of Korean Christianity both in name and virtue.

The CCK endeavor to realize God's will toward Korea and all nations through union and cooperation of Church. It established and promotes the "Rice of Love Movement" which throws out the traditional model of social service. The CCK also created the legal and systematic basis for the foundation and operation of the Agape Christian Prison.

For the Unification of South and North Korea the CCK founded the Unification Mission College which seeks to cultivate mission leaders to North Korea. Furthermore the CCK embarked upon the "Movement of 10 Millions Signatures" asking the UN to pro tect and

support the settlement of North Korean who have fled to China, and to grant them refugee status.

The CCK has worked for protection of the Christian beliefs again st heresies and the idolatry of Dan-Gun. it also worked for evangelizing Korean youth and


thereby for this purpose the Korean Youth Leader College and the Korean Juvenile Leader College was founded. The CCK establish the 21st Century Christian Institute to increase the effect of pious Christian cultures and it also offered a prize, Grand Prize for Culture and Art Mission.

The CCK will suggest alternative policies, based on the Christian perspective, for social and governmental matters within the nation as well as the overseas affairs. 'The Unified and Combined Council' is CCK's long-held goal to achieve.